
Memories From the Last Summer

My first true love happened when I was a student at Shaw University in Raleigh NC and I must say it was a wonderful experience. She was a freshman, and she was so beautiful with caramel skin and soft dark eyes. She had a sweet slim frame and curves of a finely chiseled piece of clay. Everybody knew her government name, but, eventually they knew her by the name I affectionately called her by, “Blue”.

Blue and I shared some really wonderful moments and I can’t even write this without smiling as I think about some of the times we spent together.

We would walk through downtown Raleigh holding hands talking and laughing like we were kids. I remember spending my laundry money on a hotel room so that we could have some private time together to share some romance and be intimate.


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Nulla congue venenatis felis, dapibus sodales sem pellentesque eget. Etiam sit amet ornare quam. Integer eleifend semper placerat. Curabitur ornare sollicitudin ligula, eu mattis libero pellentesque nec.

Pellentesque et est feugiat, rhoncus sem sit amet, tincidunt tortor. Pellentesque efficitur pharetra sapien, a tincidunt lectus posuere luctus. In varius ipsum purus, nec vehicula augue facilisis eu.

Aenean sit amet tincidunt sem. Donec dictum dolor nec purus semper accumsan. Nunc tellus urna, fringilla quis urna et, accumsan gravida lectus. Nulla facilisi.


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Aenean vehicula lobortis eros. Nunc viverra, eros consectetur dignissim viverra, mauris diam lobortis nunc, ut viverra ante lorem non quam. Donec scelerisque dui at tellus eleifend, eu dignissim purus ullamcorper.

Sed consequat, nisi non mattis euismod, mi metus venenatis lacus, id feugiat orci mi eu urna. Donec condimentum lacus eget nibh consectetur, ac venenatis erat tristique. Nunc eros metus, venenatis in cursus ut, aliquam eu diam.

Curabitur sed diam dui. Aenean ac justo sem. Fusce imperdiet ac sem eu dapibus. Vivamus imperdiet eget nisl non gravida. Etiam rhoncus massa a lorem auctor, vitae dapibus sem vestibulum. Etiam non orci turpis.