There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment.
― Sarah Dessen
Let me tell you, this was so hard because you’d have to wait a week or so to receive one back, and waiting for those tapes were some of the longest days of my life because I was in love. However, when they arrived hearing her voice as she talked to me was the best feeling in the world.

One break a buddy of mine, who had a car, drove us to the airport so she could catch a flight home. She cried as we hugged and she turned to walk down the ramp leading to her plane. My heart hurt so bad I wanted to let a tear fall, but I couldn’t cause my boy was with me and at that time men weren’t supposed to cry in that situation. I must tell you since then, I have shed many a tear in front of certain women I loved, not too many but, definitely a few.
Beautiful Love
Now back to the story, how did I know I was in love? You usually don’t know what you have until you lose it or that special person. A situation happened where I was in the wrong place, the wrong time with the wrong person which led to us breaking up. I will admit it was my fault for the decision to be in that situation. Unfortunately, I still feel to this day that one of my closest friends snitched on me to his girl which happened to be the best friend of Blue.

I still take the full blame though cause I was young, immature and selfish at that time in college. The relationship ended and we were both affected in serious ways and it took me four years to shake the guilt, get forgiveness and move on with my life. There were days I was so depressed that I couldn’t even understand what was going on with me…love and a broken heart will do that to you. Today Blue still holds a special place in my heart because she was really my first true love.
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Aenean ex orci, eleifend quis enim nec, auctor sollicitudin nisl. Duis nunc turpis, sodales vel nisl ac, placerat pellentesque odio. Curabitur ullamcorper eget elit sit amet tincidunt. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Mauris sodales turpis sed lorem cursus, in porttitor nisl vehicula. In cursus velit aliquet urna fringilla placerat. Suspendisse vulputate vehicula volutpat.
Cras ultricies nibh augue, sit amet egestas neque sodales ac. In imperdiet orci est, nec dictum lacus ultrices ac. Donec bibendum nulla ac euismod euismod.