My first true love happened when I was a student at Shaw University in Raleigh NC and I must say it was a wonderful experience. She was a freshman, and she was so beautiful with caramel skin and soft dark eyes. She had a sweet slim frame and curves of a finely chiseled piece of clay. Everybody knew her government name, but, eventually they knew her by the name I affectionately called her by, “Blue”.

Blue and I shared some really wonderful moments and I can’t even write this without smiling as I think about some of the times we spent together.
We would walk through downtown Raleigh holding hands talking and laughing like we were kids. I remember spending my laundry money on a hotel room so that we could have some private time together to share some romance and be intimate.
Love Letters
We would meet for breakfast, lunch and or dinner throughout the semester without the theatre crew or catch a meal at the local McDonalds across the street. School breaks were the hardest time since she lived in Michigan and I lived in New York, but we tried to make the best of it by writing letters or at that time using “cassette tape letters” and we would mail them back and forth.
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Aenean ex orci, eleifend quis enim nec, auctor sollicitudin nisl. Duis nunc turpis, sodales vel nisl ac, placerat pellentesque odio. Curabitur ullamcorper eget elit sit amet tincidunt. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Mauris sodales turpis sed lorem cursus, in porttitor nisl vehicula. In cursus velit aliquet urna fringilla placerat. Suspendisse vulputate vehicula volutpat.
Cras ultricies nibh augue, sit amet egestas neque sodales ac. In imperdiet orci est, nec dictum lacus ultrices ac. Donec bibendum nulla ac euismod euismod.